ภาควิชาปรสิตวิทยา คณะสัตวแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์


ตำแหน่ง : ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์
คุณวุฒิ :
ส.ม. (การบริหารสาธารณสุขมูลฐาน) : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
สพ.บ. : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
ความสนใจหรือความเชี่ยวชาญพิเศษ : Veterinary Helminthology
ผลงานวิจัย :
โทรศัพท์  0-2942-8438 โทรสาร  0-2942-8438
อีเมล์ : fvetkkp@ku.ac.th 
ผศ.นสพ.คัมภีร์ พัฒนะธนัง
ตำแหน่ง : รองศาสตราจารย์
คุณวุฒิ :
Ph.D. (Veterinary Medical Science) : The University of Tokyo, Japan
สพ.บ. : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
ความสนใจหรือความเชี่ยวชาญพิเศษ : โปรโตซัววิทยา
ผลงานวิจัย : 
โทรศัพท์ : 0-2942-8438 โทรสาร : 0-2942-8438
อีเมล์ : fvetbrn@ku.ac.th
 รศ.นสพ.ดร.บุรินทร์ นิ่มสุพรรณ์
ตำแหน่ง : ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์
คุณวุฒิ :
ปร.ด. (กีฏวิทยา) : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษรตศาสตร์
วท.บ. (การจัดการศัตรูพืช) : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
ความสนใจหรือความเชี่ยวชาญพิเศษ : กีฏวิทยา แมลงวันริ้นดำ
ผลงานวิจัย :
โทรศัพท์ : 0-2942-8438 โทรสาร : 0-2942-8438
อีเมล์ : fvetjjp@ku.ac.th
ผศ.ดร.จำนงจิต  ผาสุข
ตำแหน่ง : รองศาสตราจารย์
คุณวุฒิ :
Ph.D. : University of Copenhagen, Denmark
วท.ม. (อายุรศาสตร์เขตร้อน) : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
สพ.บ. : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
ความสนใจหรือความเชี่ยวชาญพิเศษ : 
โปรโตซัววิทยา โรคพยาธิจากสัตว์สู่คน
ผลงานวิจัย : ดูรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม
โทรศัพท์ : 0-2942-8438 โทรสาร : 0-2942-8438
อีเมล์ : fvettwi@ku.ac.th
รศ.นสพ.ดร.เทวินทร์ อินปั๋นแก้ว  ประธาน    หลักสูตรวิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาปรสิตวิทยาทางสัตวแพทย์
ตำแหน่ง : ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์
คุณวุฒิ :
Ph.D. (Animal and Food Hygiene) : Hokkaido, Japan
วท.ม. (ปรสิตวิทยาทางสัตวแพทย์) : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
วท.บ. (เทคนิคการสัตวแพทย์) : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
ความสนใจหรือความเชี่ยวชาญพิเศษ :
1. Parasitic protozoa zoonosis
2. Effect of climate change on parasites behaviour’s
3. Novel chemotherapeutics for parasitic protozoa diseases.
ผลงานวิจัย : ดูรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม
โทรศัพท์ : 0-2942-8438 โทรสาร : 0-2942-8438
อีเมล์ : fvetksr@ku.ac.th
ผศ.ดร.เกษริน ขำยิ่งเกิด
ตำแหน่ง : อาจารย์
คุณวุฒิ :
Ph.D. (Tropical Medicine) : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
วท.ม.(อายุรศาสตร์เขตร้อน) : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
วท.บ. (สัตวแพทยศฯาสตร์บัณฑิต) : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
ความสนใจหรือความเชี่ยวชาญพิเศษ : Parasitology, Protozoology, Molecular biology, Immunology, Biotechnology
ผลงานวิจัย :
โทรศัพท์ : 0-2942-8438 โทรสาร : 0-2942-8438
อีเมล์ : fvetnith@ku.ac.th
อ.ดร.นิภา ธรรมสนธิเจริญ
ตำแหน่ง : นักวิทยาศาสตร์ชำนาญการพิเศษ
คุณวุฒิ :
วท.บ. (วิทยาศาสตร์สุขภาพสัตว์) : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล บางพระ
ความสนใจหรือความเชี่ยวชาญพิเศษ : ปรสิตวิทยา การเพาะเลี้ยงเห็บเพื่อการวิจัย
ผลงานวิจัย : ดูรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม
โทรศัพท์ : 0-2942-8438 โทรสาร : 0-2942-8438
อีเมล์ : fvetwic@ku.ac.th
 นายวิษณุวัฒน์ ฉิมน้อย
ตำแหน่ง : นักวิทยาศาสตร์ ชำนาญการ
คุณวุฒิ :
วท.ม.(ปรสิตวิทยาทางสัตวแพทย์) : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
วท.บ. (เทคนิคการสัตวแพทย์) : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
ความสนใจหรือความเชี่ยวชาญพิเศษ : ปรสิตวิทยา เทคนิคทางด้านโปรตีน
ผลงานวิจัย : 
โทรศัพท์ : 0-2942-8438 โทรสาร : 0-2942-8438
อีเมล์ : fvetcyk@ku.ac.th
 นางสาวชัญญา เก่งระดมกิจ
ตำแหน่ง : นักวิทยาศาสตร์
คุณวุฒิ :
วท.บ. (จุลชีววิทยา) : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
ความสนใจหรือความเชี่ยวชาญพิเศษ :
ผลงานวิจัย :

โทรศัพท์ : 0-2942-8438 โทรสาร : 0-2942-8438
อีเมล์ : fvetnuk@ku.ac.th
 นางสาวณัฐสุดา กลิ่นแก้ว
IMG_8308 (2) ตำแหน่ง : เจ้าหน้าที่บริหารงานทั่วไป
คุณวุฒิ : — : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์

ความสนใจหรือความเชี่ยวชาญพิเศษ : 
ผลงานวิจัย :
โทรศัพท์ : 0-2942-8438 โทรสาร : 0-2942-8438
อีเมล์ : fvet@ku.ac.th
นางสาวธันย์ชนก เรืองศรี

Curriculum Vitaefvetkkp
Assistant Professor Kampee  Pattanatanang

Academic staff

Name Last name: Assit.Prof. Kampee  Pattanatanang

Academic title:

1989   D.V.M. (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University, Thailand)
1994   M.P.H.M (Master of Primary Health Care Management Program ) 
(Faculty of Tropical Medicine, MahidolUniversity, Thailand)

Field of Research: Medical and Veterinary Helminthology 

Office: Room 401, 4th floor, Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 10900. Thailand
Phone:(+66) 2-942-8438  
Fax:     (+66) 2-942-8438
Email:  fvetkpp@ku.ac.th

Research grant



  1. Yimming B, Pattanathang K, Sanyathitiseree P, Pinyopanuwat N, Chimnoi W, Phasuk J. 2014. Molecular detection of Cryptosporidium spp. in captive snakes in Thailand,  Proceedings of the 52nd Kasetsart University Annual Conference: Animal, Veterinary Medicine. Bangkok, Thailand. pp 251-258
  2. Yimming, B., K. Pattanatanang, P. Sanyathitiseree, T. Inpankaew, K. Kamyingkird, N. Pinyopanuwat, W. Chimnoi and J. Phasuk. 2016. Molecular identification of Cryptosporidium species from pet snakes in Thailand.  Korean J Parasitol 54: 423-429.


  1. K. Imsilp, U. Jermnak, A. Saengtienchai, N. Klangkaew, N. Kusutjarit, A. Poapolathep, S. Poapolathep, S. Kunakornsawat, K. Pattanatanang, and S. Paolieng. 2011. Bioequivalence of ivermectin formulations in beef cattle.  The 16th Congress of the Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations, Cebu City, The Philippines.


Honors, Awards and Service

2016­present    Director of Kasetsar Animal Hospital, Bangkhen  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Kasetsart University, Thailand

Professional Memberships    None

Professional Experiences

1992­present    Lecturer at Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand

Professional Trainings         None

Intelligence Properties         None

Patents           None

Jumnongjit Phasukfvetjjp
Assistant Professor

Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 10900. Thailand

Tel: 66-2-942-8438

E-mail: fvetjjp@ku.ac.th


          B.S. (Pest Management)         Kasetsart University, Thailand 1998

          Ph. D.  (Entomology)            Kasetsart University, Thailand 2006


Research Emphasis: Veterinary entomology


Research projects:

  1. Circadian activity of Stomoxys calcitrans in Thailand
  2. A comparison of attractants for Stomoxys calcitrans on dairy farms in Saraburi Province, Thailand
  3. A Detection of Cryptosporidium species and risk factors associated with Cryptosporidium infection of captive snakes
  4. Molecular detection and identification of Leishmania species from naturally infected sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Satun Province, Thailand
  5. Molecular detection and identification of blood meals in phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) from Satun and Songkhla Provinces, Thailand



  1. Jittapalapong, S., A. Sangwaranond, B. Nimsuphan, Inpankaew, C. Phasuk, N. Pinyopanuwat, W. Chimnoi, C. Kengradomkij, P. Arunwipat and T. Anakewith. 2011. Prevalence of gastro-intestinal parasites of dairy cows in Thailand. Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.). 45: 40 – 45.
  2. Phasuk, J., T. Tharawoot, R. A. Beaver and S. Jittapalapong. 2011. Seasonal abundance of Tabanidae (Diptera) on dairy farms in Saraburi province, Thailand. Thai J. Agric. Sci. 44: 175-181.
  3. Phasuk, J., A. Prabaripai and T. Chareonviriyaphap. 2013. Seasonality and daily flight activity of stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) on dairy farms in Saraburi province, Thailand. Parasite. 20: 1-7.
  4. Phasuk, J., T. Tharawoot and J. Chanpaisaeng. 2013. Seasonal abundance of blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in three urban parks of Bangkok, Thailand. Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 47: 828-834.
  5. Panthawong, A., T. Chareonviriyaphap and J. Phasuk. 2015. Species diversity and seasonality of phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Satun province, Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 46: 857-865.
  6. Phasuk, J., A. Prabaripai and T. Chareonviriyaphap. 2015. A comparison of attractants for sampling Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) on dairy farms in Saraburi province, Thailand. J. Econ. Entomol. 109: 942–946.


  1. Jumnongjit Phasuk and Theeraphap Chareonviriyaphap. 2012. Seasonality and daily flight activity of Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) on dairy farms in Saraburi province, Thailand. The American Mosquito Control Association 78th Annual Meeting. Austin, Texas. Feb 26-Mar 1, 2012.
  2. Benjarat Yimming, Jumnongjit Phasuk, Pornchai Sonthitiseree, Nongnuch Pinyopanuwat, Wissanuwat Chimnoi and Kampee Pattanathang. 2014. Molecular  detection of Cryptosporidium in captive snakes in Thailand. Proceeding of the 52th Kasetsart University Annual Conference: Animal, Veterinary Medicine. Bangkok, Thailand. pp 251-258.
  3. Amonrat Panthawong, Theeraphap Chareonviriyaphap and Jumnongjit Phasuk. 2015. Seasonality and Species Diversity of Phlebotomine Sand Flies in Satun Province. Proceeding of the 53th Kasetsart University Annual Conference: Animal, Veterinary Medicine. Bangkok, Thailand.
  4. Jumnongjit Phasuk, Atchariya Prabaripai and Theeraphap Chareonviriyaphap. 2015. A comparison of attractants for Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) on dairy farms in Saraburi Province, Thailand. The American Mosquito Control Association 81th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, Mar 29-Arpil 2, 2015.


Curriculum Vitaefvettwi-1
Dr. TawinInpankaew

Academic staff

Name Last name: Dr. Tawin Inpankaew

Academic title: Head of the department

2002    D.V.M. (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University, Thailand)
2004    M.Sc. (Trop.  Med)  (Faculty of Tropical Medicine, MahidolUniversity, Thailand)
2008    Diploma in zoonosis for food safety (National Research Center for Protozoa Diseases, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan)
2014    PhD (Department of Disease Biology, Faculty of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

Field of Research: Medical and Veterinary Parasitology, Molecular Parasitology and Zoonoses

Office: Room 408, 4thfloor, Jakpichai Ronnarongsongkarm Building
Phone:(+66)2-942-8438 Ext. 1408
Fax: (+66)2-942-8438
Email: fvettwi@ku.ac.th, tawin.i@ku.th


- Medical and Veterinary Parasitology
- Zoonoses
- Molecular Parasitology

Research topics

Research grant

2017    Pathogenicity evaluation and Efficacy of anthelmint againt Echinostoma revolutum in free-grazing duck, Thailand, Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute (KURDI) (Project leader).
2016    Molecular detection of Rickettsia felis infection in stray dogs and flea infesting dogs resided in monasteries of Bangkok, Thailand, The Coordinating Center for Thai Government Science and Technology Scholarship Students (CSTS), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) (Project leader).
2016    The Comparative study of prevalence of Canine vector-borne pathogens (Babesia spp., Rickettsia spp., Anaplasma spp. and Ehrlichia spp.) between pet and stray dogs in Bangkok area, Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute (KURDI) (Project leader).
2013    The seroprevalence and risk factor associated with Toxoplasma gondii infection in horses from Thailand, Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute (KURDI) (Project leader).
2009    Prevalence study and risk factor of cryptosporidiosis and giardiosis from Dairy cow faces in Northern of Thailand, Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute (KURDI) (Project leader).
2006    The study of prevalence, Risk factor and genotyping of Cryptosporidium spp. from dairy cow fecal sample by DMSO-Modified Acid-fast stain and Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method in Saraburi, Kanchanaburi and Nakornpathom provinces, Intervet research fund (Project leader).


  1. Yimming B, Pattanatanang K, Sanyathitiseree P, Inpankaew T, Kamyingkird K, Pinyopanuwat N, Chimnoi W, Phasuk J. 2016. Molecular Identification of Cryptosporidium Species from Pet Snakes in Thailand. Korean J Parasitol. 54(4):423-9. doi: 10.3347/kjp.2016.54.4.423.
  2. Inpankaew T, Hii SF, Chimnoi W, Traub RJ. 2016. Canine vector borne pathogens in semi-domesticated dogs residing in northern Cambodia. Parasit Vectors. 9:253. doi: 10.1186/s13071-016-1552-z.
  3. Liu M, Ruttayaporn N, Saechan V, Jirapattharasate C, Vudriko P, Moumouni PF, Cao S, Inpankaew T, Ybañez AP, Suzuki H, Xuan X. 2016. Molecular survey of canine vector-borne diseases in stray dogs in Thailand. Parasitol Int.65(4):357-61. doi: 10.1016/j.parint.2016.04.011.
  4. Sricharern W, Inpankaew T, Keawmongkol S, Supanam J, Stich RW, Jittapalapong S. 2016. Molecular detection and prevalence of Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium among long-tailed macaques (Macacafascicularis) in Thailand. Infect Genet Evol. 40:310-4. doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2016.02.004.
  5. Llewellyn S, Inpankaew T, Nery SV, Gray DJ, Verweij JJ, Clements AC, Gomes SJ, Traub R, McCarthy JS. 2016. Application of a multiplex quantitative PCR to assess prevalence and intensity of intestinal parasite infections in a controlled clinical trial. PLoSNegl Trop Dis. 10(1):e0004380. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004380.
  6. Inpankaew T, Murrell KD, Pinyopanuwat N, Chhoun C, Khov K, Sem T, Sorn S, Muth S, Dalsgaard A. A survey for potentially zoonotic gastrointestinal parasites of dogs and pigs in Cambodia. ActaParasitol. 60(4):601-604.
  7. Inpankaew T, Jiyipong T, Thadtapong N, Kengradomkij C, Pinyopanuwat N, Chimnoi W, Jittapalapong S. 2015. Prevalence and genotype of Giardia duodenalis in dairy cattle from Northern and Northeastern part of Thailand. ActaParasitol. 60(3):459-61.
  8. Saetiew N, Simking P, Inpankaew T, Wongpanit K, Kamyingkird K, Wongnakphet S, Stich RW, Jittapalapong S. 2015. Prevalence and genetic diversity of Anaplasmamarginale infections in water buffaloes in Northeast Thailand. J Trop Med Parasitol. 38:9-16.
  9. Traub RJ, Irwin P, Dantas-Torres F, Tort GP, Labarthe NV, Inpankaew T, Gatne M, Linh BK, Schwan V, Watanabe M, Siebert S, Mencke N, Schaper R. 2015. Toward the formation of a Companion Animal Parasite Council for the Tropics (CAPCT). Parasit Vectors. 8:271. doi: 10.1186/s13071-015-0884-4.
  10. Inpankaew T, Schär F, Khieu V, Muth S, Dalsgaard A, Marti H, Traub RJ, Odermatt P. 2014. Simple fecal flotation is a superior alternative to quadruple katokatz smear examination for the detection of hookworm eggs in human stool. PLoSNegl Trop Dis. 8(12):e3313. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003313.
  11. Kengradomkij C, Inpankaew T, Kamyingkird K, Wongpanit K, Wongnakphet S, Mitchell TJ, Xuan X, Igarashi I, Jittapalapong S, Stich RW. 2014. Seroprevalence and risk factors associated with exposure of water buffalo (Bubalusbubalis) to Neosporacaninum in northeast Thailand. Vet Parasitol.207(1-2):156-60. doi: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2014.10.034.
  12. Inpankaew T, Schär F, Odermatt P, Dalsgaard A, Chimnoi W, Khieu V, Muth S, Traub RJ. 2014. Low risk for transmission of zoonotic Giardia duodenalis from dogs to humans in rural Cambodia. Parasit Vectors. 7(1):412.doi:10.1186/1756-3305-7-412.
  13. Inpankaew T, Schär F, Dalsgaard A, Khieu V, Chimnoi W, Chhoun C, Sok D, Marti H, Muth S, Odermatt P, Traub RJ. 2014. High prevalence of Ancylostomaceylanicum hookworm infections in humans, Cambodia, 2012. Emerg Infect Dis. 20(6):976-982.
  14. Wang W, Owen H, Traub RJ, Cuttell L, Inpankaew T, Bielefeldt-Ohmann H. 2014. Molecular epidemiology of Blastocystis in pigs and their in-contact humans in Southeast Queensland, Australia, and Cambodia. Vet Parasitol.203(3-4):264-269.
  15. Inpankaew T, Jittapalapong S, Mitchell TJ, Sununta C, Igarashi I, Xuan X. 2014. Seroprevalence of Neosporacaninum infection in dairy cows in Northern provinces, Thailand. ActaParasitol. 9(2):305-309.
  16. Schär F, Inpankaew T, Traub RJ, Khieu V, Dalsgaard A, Chimnoi W, Chamnan C, Sok D, Marti H, Muth S, Odermatt P. 2014. The prevalence and diversity of intestinal parasitic infections in humans and domestic animals in a rural Cambodian village. Parasitol Int.63(4):597-603. doi: 10.1016/j.parint.2014.03.007.
  17. Inpankaew T, Jiyipong T, Wongpanit K, Pinyopanuwat N, Chimnoi W, Kengradomkij C, Xuan X, Igarashi I, Xiao L, Jittapalapong S.2014. Molecular detection of Cryptosporidium infections in water buffaloes from northeast Thailand. Trop Anim Health Prod. Feb; 46(2):487-490.
  18. Wiriya B, Clausen JH, Inpankaew T, Thaenkham U, Jittapalapong S, Satapornvanit K, Dalsgaard A. 2013. Fish-borne trematodes in cultured Nile tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus) and wild-caught fish from Thailand. Vet Parasitol. Nov 15; 198(1-2):230-234.
  19. Wang, W., Cuttell, L., Bielefeldt-Ohmann, H., Inpankaew, T., Owen, H., Traub, R.J. 2013.Diversity of Blastocystis subtypes in dogs in different geographical settings.Parasit Vectors. Jul 24; 6:215.
  20. Nagano, D., Sivakumar, T., de DEMacedo, A.C., Inpankaew, T., Alhassan, A., Igarashi, I., Yokoyama, N. 2013. The Genetic Diversity of Merozoite Surface Antigen 1 (MSA-1) among Babesiabovis detected from Cattle Populations in Thailand, Brazil and Ghana.J Vet Med Sci. 75(11):1463-70.
  21. Yoshinari, T., Sivakumar, T., Asada, M., Battsetseg, B., Huang, X., Lan, D.T., Inpankaew, T., Ybañez, A.P., Alhassan, A., Thekisoe, O.M., Macedo, A.C., Inokuma, H., Igarashi, I.,Yokoyama, N., 2013. A PCR Based Survey of Babesia ovata in Cattle from Various Asian, African, and South American Countries. Vet. Med. Sci.75(2): 211-214.
  22. Cao, S., Aboge, G.O., Terkawi, M.A., Yu, L., Kamyingkird, K., Luo, Y., Li, Y., Goo, Y.K., Yamagishi, J., Nishikawa, Y., Yokoyama, N., Suzuki, H., Igarashi, I., Maeda, R., Inpankaew, T., Jittapalapong, S., Xuan, X., 2012. Molecular detection and identification of Babesiabovis and Babesiabigemina in cattle in northern Thailand.Parasitol Res, 111(3):1259-1266.
  23. Arunvipas, P., Inpankaew, T., Jittapalapong, S. 2012. Risk factors of Neosporacaninuminfection in dogs and cats in dairy farms in Western Thailand. Anim. Health. Prod,44(5):1117-1121.
  24. Altangerel, K., Sivakumar, T., Inpankaew, T., Jittapalapong, S., Terkawi, M.A., Ueno, A., Xuan, X., Igarashi, I., Yokoyama, N. 2011. Molecular prevalence of different genotypes of Theileriaorientalis detected from cattle and water buffaloes in Thailand. Parasitol, 97 (6): 1075-1079.
  25. Terkawi, M.A., Huyen, N.X., Shinuo, C., Inpankaew, T., Maklon, K., Aboulaila, M., Ueno, A., Goo, Y.K., Yokoyama, N., Jittapalapong, S., Igarashi, I. 2011. Molecular and serological prevalence of Babesiabovis and Babesiabigemina in water buffaloes in the northeast region of Thailand. Vet Parasitol, 178 (3-4): 201-207.
  26. Jittapalapong, S., Sangwaranond, A., Nimsuphan, B., Inpankaew, T., Phasuk, C., Pinyopanuwat, N., Chimnoi, W., Kengradomkij, C., Arunwipat, P., Anakewith, T. 2011. Prevalence of gastro-intestinal parasites of dairy cows in thailand. The Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.), 45 (1): 40-45.
  27. Inpankaew, T., Jiyipong, T., Pinyopanuwat, N., Chimnoi, W., Thompson, R.A., Jittapalapong, S. 2010. Prevalence and genotyping of Cryptosporidiumspp from dairy cow fecal samples in western Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, 41 (4): 770-775.
  28. Inpankaew, N. Pinyopanuwut, W. Chimnoi, C. Kengradomkit, C. Sununta, G. Zhang, Y. Nishikawa, I. Igarashi, X. Xuan and S. Jittapalapong. 2010. Serodiagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii infection in dairy cows in Thailand. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. 57: 42–45.
  29. H, Zhou. L, Kim. C, Inpankaew. T, Sununta. C, Yokoyama. N, Xuan. X, Jittapalapong. S, Igarashi. I. 2010. Seroprevalence of Babesia infections of dairy cows in northern Thailand. Vet Parasitol, 170 (3-4): 193-196.
  30. Jittapalapong, T. Inpankaew, N. Pinyopanuwat, W. Chimnoi, C. Kengradomkij, S. Wongnarkpet, S. Maruyama, A. Lekkla, Y. Sukthana. 2010. Epidemiology of Toxoplasma gondiiinfection of stray cats in Bangkok, Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, 41 (1): 13-18.
  31. Inpankaew, S. Jittapalapong, J. Phasuk, N. Pinyopanuwat, W. Chimnoi, C. Kengradomkit, C. Sunanta, G. Zhang, G.O. Aboge, Y. Nishikawa, I. Igarashi and X. Xuan. 2009. Seroprevalence of Cryptosporidium parvum infection of dairy cows in three northern provinces of Thailand determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using recombinant antigen CpP23. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research. 76:161-165.
  32. Traub RJ, Inpankaew T, Reid SA, Sutthikornchai C, Sukthana Y, Robertson ID, Thompson RC. 2009. Transmission cycles of Giardia duodenalis in dogs and humans in Temple communities in Bangkok--a critical evaluation of its prevalence using three diagnostic tests in the field in the absence of a gold standard.Acta Trop. Aug;111(2):125-32.
  33. SathapornJittapalapong, PatsimaSittisan, ThavajchaiSakpuaram, HidenoriKabeya, Soichi Maruyama and TawinInpankaew. 2009.Coinfection of Leptospiraspp and Toxoplasma gondii infections among stray dogs in bangkok, Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, 40 (2): 247-252.
  34. Rebecca Traub, TawinInpankaew, ChantiraSuttikornchai, YaowalurkSukthana and R.C.A. Thompson. 2008. PCR-based coprodiagnostic tools reveal dogs as reservoirs of zoonotic ancylostomiasis caused by Ancylostomaceylanicum in temple communities in Bangkok. Veterinary Parasitology, 155(1-2): 67-73.
  35. Jittapalapong, A. Sangwaranond, T. Inpankaew, C. Phasuk, N. Pinyopanuwat, W. Chimnoi, C. Kengradomkij, P. Arunwipat and S. Maruyama. 2008. Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in dairy cows in northeastern Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, 39 (suppl 1): 1-5.
  36. SathapornJittapalapong, ArkomSangvaranond, TawinInpankaew, ChamnonjitPhasuk, NongnuchPinyopanuwat, WissanuwatChimnoi, ChanyaKengradomkij, SinsamutSaengow, PornparnPumhom, PipatArunwipat, TanitAnakewit and Ian D. Robertson. 2008. Seroprevalence of Neosporacaninum infections of dairy cows in the North-east of Thailand. The Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.), 42: 61-66.
  37. SathapornJittapalapong, TawinInpankaew, ArkomSangvaranond, ChamnonjitPhasuk, NongnuchPinyopanuwat, WissanuwatChimnoi, ChanyaKengradomkij, ChainirundSununta and PipatArunwipat. 2008.Current status of brucellosis in dairy cows of Chiang Rai province, Thailand. The Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.), 42: 67-70.
  38. SathapornJittapalapong, ArkomSangvaranond, TawinInpankaew, NongnuchPinyopanuwat, WissanuwatChimnoi, ChanyaKengradomkij and SirichaiWongnakphet. 2008. Ectoparasites of stray cats in Bangkok metropolitan areas, Thailand. The Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.), 42: 71-75.
  39. Jittapalapong, T. Inpankaew, N. Sarataphan, V. Herbreteau, J. P. Hugot, S. Morand and R. W. Stich. 2008. Molecular detection of divergent trypanosomes among rodents of Thailand. Infection, Genetic and Evolution, 8 (4): 445-449.
  40. TawinInpankaew, Rebecca Traub, RC Andrew Thompson and YaowalarkSukthana., 2007. Canine Parasitic Zoonoses in Bangkok Temples.  Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, 38 (2): 247-255.
  41. TawinInprankaew, Burin Nimsuphan, KiattchaiRojanamongkol, ChanyaKengradomkij and SathapornJittapalapong., 2007. Diagnosis of Heartworm (Dirofilariaimmitis) Infection in Dogs and Cats by Using Western Blot Technique. The Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.), 40:284-289.


Honors, Awards and Service

2016                  Young Parasitologist Award. Parasitology and Tropical Medicine Association of Thailand
2015 - ­present    Head of Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University, Thailand
2012                Best Presentation Award in the session “food safety”, The 1st Regional the Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (STVM) conference, June 18-21, 2012
2010-2014       Full scholarship to pursue Ph.D. in Denmark from Thai Government (Ministry of Science and Technology), Thailand
2007                Third place, Presentation Award, The 44th Kasetsart University Annual Conferences, Jan 30, 2007


Professional Memberships

2003–present   Thai Veterinary Medicine Association
2003–present   Veterinary Practitioner Association of Thailand
2005–present   Tropical Medicine Alumni Association
2005–present   Parasitology and Tropical Medicine Association of Thailand


Professional Experiences

1 Sept 2015 – 29 Feb 2016     Foreign Visiting Researcherat National Research Center for Protozoa Diseases, Obihiro University of Agriculture and  Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan. Sponser by NRCPD.on the title“Epidemiological surveys on vector borne diseases in elephants, horses and dogs from Thailand”

1 Feb 2010 – 30 Sept 2014    PhD candidate at Department of Veterinary Disease Biology, Faculty of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Scholarship from Danish government and Thai government.on the title “ Domestic animals as reservoirs of zoonotic hookworm and Giardia duodenalis in a rural village, Cambodia”

5 Aug – 4 Nov 2006                Exchange scholar at the State Agricultural

Biotechnology Centre and Department of Parasitology, Murdoch University, Western Australia

Description: Trained in Cell cultivation of blood and intestinal protozoa and molecular techniques for characterizing Giardia Blastocystis, Cryptosporidium Toxoplasma and Neospora from faecal and blood samples.

Nov 2004 – Apr 2005             Part-time Research Assistant for ARC Linkage

Project “The epidemiology of GI canine parasitic zoonoses in various community settings in Thailand” on behalf of the Department of Parasitology, School of veterinary studies, Murdoch University, Western Australia.

5 Sep–1 Nov 2004                   Visiting student at the State Agricultural

Biotechnology Centre and Department of Parasitology, Murdoch University, Western Australia

Description: Trained in molecular techniques for characterizing Giardia and Cryptosporidium from faecal samples.

Professional Trainings

18 Jan – 14 Mar 2010            Training scholar on the course of the new strategies for controlling infectious diseases at National Research Center for Protozoa Diseases, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan. Sponser by NRCPD.

31 Aug – 11 Sep 2009             Training scholar on the course of Agricultural Biotechnology Training Workshop in Partnership with Southeast Asian Countries at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Sponsor by SEAMEO- SEARCA

Intelligence Properties          None

Patents                                    None

Ketsarin  KAMYINGKIRDfvetksr

Ph.D. (Animal and Food Hygiene); Ms.C. (Veterinary Parasitology)

Bs.C. (Veterinary Technology)

                                          Date of Birth 7th July, 1983

E-mail: ketsarinkamy@hotmail.com; ketsarinkamy@gmail.com


April 1, 2011 – March 20, 2014

Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan

Doctor of Philosophy in Animal and Food Hygiene, Ph.D. (DAFH)

Thesis title: Towards Development of Effective Chemotherapy for Babesiosis: Targeting Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase to Suppress the Growth of Babesia Parasites

June 4, 2007- November 16, 2009

Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand

Master of Science (Ms.C.), Veterinary Parasitology

Thesis title: Epidemiology of Trypanosoma evansi Infection of Dairy Cattle in Thailand

June 13, 2002 – March 13, 2006

Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand

Bachelor of Science (Bs.C.), Veterinary Technology



March 23, 2015 – present


            Department of parasitology, Faculty of veterinary medicine, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.


November 17, 2015 – March 10, 2015

            Post doctor

            Department of parasitology, Faculty of veterinary medicine, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.

            Laboratory management and establishing of toxoplasma and neospora in vitro culture system.

May 1, 2014-Octorber 31, 2014

           Visiting researcher

           Research unit of Host Defense, National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Japan.

During these six months, I pursued knowledge on efficiency of atovaquone for treatment of bovine babesiosis and finding the possibility of atovaquone resistant gene by developing resistant parasites in vitro. Moreover, I am working on the new drug candidates and new drug target for controlling of equine piroplasmosis.


October 1, 2010-March 31, 2011

            Assistant researcher

            Research unit of Host Defense, National Research Center for Protozoan Disease, Obihiro

            University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Japan.

My duty was to study on aspartic protease as a new drug target for treatment of toxoplasmosis. Primer designing, cloning, protein expression and purification in E. coli system, in vitro culture of Toxoplasma gondii and drug sensitivity test have been performed. 


March 2, 2009-September 30, 2010

Assistant researcher of French expertise

Parasitology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University, Bangkok,


My duties were mainly on trypanosomes diagnosis in various hosts (cattle, buffaloes, pig, dogs, deer, elephants), organized and cooperated for the field trips in Thailand, performed in vivo cultivation of trypanosomes in rodents. Molecular and serological diagnosis were performed.  


March 16, 2006 – February 15, 2009

Scientist (part time)

Veterinary Diagnosis Laboratory (VDL) Center, Bangkok, Thailand

My responsibilities were mainly to perform manual total cell blood count (CBC), confirmation of blood parasite using microscopic examination and kits, preparation of blood sample derived from animal clinics and hospitals for hematological diagnosis, preparation of serum samples for measuring of blood biochemical values.




Articles as the first author (4 publications)

  1. Kamyingkird K, Cao S, Masatani T, Adjou Moumouni PF, Vudriko P, Mousa AA, Terkawi MA, Nishikawa Y, Igarashi I, Xuan X. 2013. Babesia bovis dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (BboDHODH) is a novel molecular target of drug for bovine babesiosis. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 76: 323-330.
  2. Pruvot M, Kamyingkird K, Desquesnes M, Sarataphan N, Jittapalapong S. 2013. The effect of the DNA preparation method on the sensitivity of PCR for the detection of Trypanosoma evansi in rodents and implications for epidemiological surveillance efforts. Vet. Parasitol. 191:203-208.
  3. Kamyingkird K, Goo YK, Cao S, Aboge GO, Yamagishi J, Terkawi MA, Masatani T, Longzhang Y, Nishikawa Y, Xuan X. 2014. Cloning and expression of Toxoplasma gondii aspartic protease 3 (TgASP3). J. Protozool. Res. 24, 18-25.
  4. Kamyingkird K, Yangtara S, Desquesnes M, Cao S, Adjou Moumouni PF, Jittapalapong S, Nimsupan B, Terkawi MA, Masatani T, Nishikawa Y, Igarashi I, Xuan X. 2014. Seroprevalence of Babesia caballi and Theileria equi in horses and mules from Northern Thailand. J. Protozool. Res. 24, 11-17.

Articles as the co-author (22 publications)

Year 2015

  1. Adjou Moumouni PF, Aboge GO, Terkawi MA, Masatani T, Cao S, Kamyingkird K, Jirapattharasate C, Zhou M, Wang G, Liu M, Iguchi A,Vudriko P, Ybanez AP, Inokuma H, Shirafuji-Umemiya R, Suzuki H, Xuan X. 2015. Molecular detection and characterization of Babesia bovis, Babesia bigemina, Theileria species and Anaplasma marginale isolated from cattle in Kenya. Parasit Vectors. 8:496. doi: 10.1186/s13071-015-1106-9.
  2. Kocher A, Desquesnes M, Kamyingkird K, Yangtara S, Leboucher E, Rodtian P, Dargantes A, Jittapalapong S. 2015. Evaluation of an Indirect-ELISA Test for Trypanosoma evansi Infection (Surra) in Buffaloes and Its Application to a Serological Survey in Thailand. Biomed Res Int. doi:  10.1155/2015/361037.
  3. Kengradomkij C, Inpankaew T, Kamyingkird K, Wongpanit K, Wongnakphet S, Mitchell TJ, Xuan X, Igarashi I, Jittapalapong S, Stich RW. 2015. Seroprevalence and risk factors associated with exposure of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) to Neospora caninum in northeast Thailand. Vet Parasitol. 15;207(1-2):156-60.




Year 2014

1. Cao S, Aboge GO, Terkawi MA, Zhou M, Kamyingkird K, Adjou Moumouni PF, Masatani T, Igarashi I, Nishikawa Y, Xuan X. 2014. Mycophenolic acid, mycophenolate mofetil, mizoribine, ribavirin, and 7-nitroindole inhibit propagation of babesia parasites by targeting inosine 5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase. J Parasitol. [Epub ahead of print].
  1. Vudriko P, Masatani T, Cao S, Terkawi MA, Kamyingkird K, Mousa AA, Adjou Moumouni PF, Nishikawa Y, Xuan X. 2014. Molecular and kinetic characterization of Babesia microti gray strain lactate dehydrogenase as a potential drug target. Drug Target Insights. 31–38.

Year 2013

3. Cao S, Mousa AA, Aboge GO, Kamyingkird K, Zhou M, Moumouni PF, Terkawi MA, Masatani T, Nishikawa Y, Suzuki H, Fukumoto S, Xuan X. 2013. Prime-boost vaccination with plasmid DNA followed by recombinant vaccinia virus expressing BgGARP induced a partial protective immunity to inhibit Babesia gibsoni proliferation in dogs. Acta Parasitol. 58:619-623.
  1. Ibrahim HM, Adjou Moumouni PF, Mohammed-Geba K, Sheir SK, Hashem IS, Cao S, Terkawi MA, Kamyingkird K, Nishikawa Y, Suzuki H, Xuan X. 2013. Molecular and serological prevalence of Babesia bigemina and Babesia bovis in cattle and water buffalos under small-scale dairy farming in Beheira and Faiyum Provinces, Egypt. Vet. Parasitol. 198:187-192.
  2. Mousa AA, Cao S, Aboge GO, Terkawi MA, El Kirdasy A, Salama A, Attia M, Aboulaila M, Zhou M, Kamyingkird K, Moumouni PF, Masatani T, El Aziz SA, Moussa WM, Chahan B, Fukumoto S, Nishikawa Y, El Ballal SS, Xuan X. 2013. Molecular characterization and antigenic properties of a novel Babesia gibsoni glutamic acid-rich protein (BgGARP). Exp Parasitol. 135:414-420.
  3. Cao S, Zhang S, Jia L, Xue S, Yu L, Kamyingkird K, Moumouni PF, Moussa AA, Zhou M, Zhang Y, Terkawi MA, Masatani T, Nishikawa Y, Xuan X. 2013. Molecular detection of Theileria species in sheep from northern China. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 75:1227-1230.
  4. Cao S, Aboge GO, Terkawi MA, Zhou M, Luo Y, Yu L, Li Y, Goo Y, Kamyingkird K, Masatani T, Suzuki H, Igarashi I, Nishikawa Y, Xuan X. 2013. Cloning, characterization and validation of inosine 5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase of Babesia gibsoni as molecular drug target. Parasitol. Int. 62:87-94.
  5. Milocco C, Kamyingkird K, Desquesnes M, Jittapalapong S, Herbreteau V, Chaval Y, Douangboupha B, Morand S. 2013. Molecular demonstration of Trypanosoma evansi and Trypanosoma lewisi DNA in wild rodents from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Thailand. Transbound Emerg. Dis. 60:17-26.

Year 2012

  1. Cao S, Aboge GO, Terkawi MA, Yu L, Kamyingkird K, Luo Y, Li Y, Goo YK, Yamagishi J, Nishikawa Y, Yokoyama N, Suzuki H, Igarashi I, Maeda R, Inpankaew T, Jittapalapong S, Xuan X. 2012. Molecular detection and identification of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina in cattle in northern Thailand. Parasitol. Res. 111:1259-1266.
  2. Terkawi MA, Alhasan H, Ueno A, Ratthanophart J, Luo Y, Cao S, Kamyingkird K, Aboulaila M, Youn-Kyoung G, Nishikawa Y, Yokoyama N, Xuan X, Igarashi I. 2012. C-Terminal region of 48-kDa rhoptry protein for serological detection of Babesia caballi antibodies in horses. Parasitol. Int. 61:493-496.
  3. Luo Y, Terkawi MA, Jia H, Aboge GO, Goo YK, Cao S, Li Y, Yu L, Ooka H, Kamyingkird K, Masatani T, Zhang S, Nishikawa Y, Igarashi I, Xuan X. 2012. A double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of secreted antigen 1 of Babesia microti using hamster model. Exp Parasitol. 130:178-182.

Year 2011

  1. Narantsatsral S, Goo YK, Battsetseg B, Myagmarsuren P, Terkawi MA, Soma T, Luo Y, Li Y, Cao S, Yu L, Kamyingkird K, Aboge GO, Nishikawa Y, Xuan X. 2011. Expression of truncated Babesia gibsoni thrombospondin-related adhesive proteins in Escherichia coli and evaluation of their diagnostic potential by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Exp Parasitol. 129:196-202.
  2. Desquesnes M, Kamyingkird K, Vergne T, Sarataphan N, Rodtian P and Jittapalpapong S. 2011. An evaluation of melarsomin hydrochloride efficacy for parasitological cure in experimental infection of dairy cattle with Trypanosoma evansi in Thailand. Parasitol. 138: 1134-42.
  3. Desquesnes M, Kamyingkird K, Yangtara S, Milocco C, Ravel S, Wang Ming-Hui, Lun Zhao-Rong, Morand S and Jittapalapong S. 2011. Specific primers for PCR amplification of the ITS1 (ribosomal DNA) of Trypanosoma lewisi. Infect. Gen. Evol. 11:1361-1367.
  4. Garcia HA, Kamyingkird K, Rodrigues AC, Jittapalapong S, Teixeira MMG, and Desquesnes M. 2011. High genetic diversity in field isolates of Trypanosoma theileri assessed by analysis of cathepsin L-like sequences disclosed multiple and new genotypes infecting cattle in Thailand. Vet. Parasitol. 180: 363-367.
  5. Vergne T, Kamyingkird K, Desquesnes M and Jittapalapong S. 2011. Attempted transmission of Trypanosoma evansi to rats and mice by direct ingestion of contaminated blood and via engorged ticks. Acta Protozool. 50: 133-136.

Year 2010

  1. Pruvot M, Kamyingkird K, Desquesnes M, Sarataphan N and Jittapalapong S. 2010. A comparison of six primer sets for detection of Trypanosoma evansi by polymerase chain             reaction in rodents and Thai livestock. Vet. Parasitol. 171: 185–193.

Year 2009

  1. Desquesnes M, Kamyingkird K, Pruvot M, Kengradomkij C, Bossard G, Sarataphan N, and Jittapalapong S. 2009. Antibody-ELISA for Trypanosoma evansi: application in a serological survey of dairy cattle, Thailand, and validation of a locally produced antigen. Preven. Vet. Med. 90: 233-241.
  2. Jittapalapong S, Pinyopanuwat N, Inpankaew T, Sangwaranond A, Phasuk C, Chimnoi W, Kengradomkij C, Kamyingkird K, Sarataphan N, Desquesnes M and Arunvipas P. 2009. Prevalence of Trypanosoma evansi infection causing abortion in dairy cows in central Thailand. KU J. Nature Sci. 43: 53-57.

Specific interest

  1. Parasitic protozoa zoonosis.
  2. Effect of climate change on parasites behaviour’s.
  3. Novel chemotherapeutics for parasitic protozoa diseases.